Tenaris Siderca Industrial Plant in Campana, Argentina. Signing – Caruso e Torricella Architetti

Signing for Tenaris Industrial Plants

Worldwide application of corporate signing (graphic design by Landor New York) on industrial facades of a multinational steel tubes company.


in progress depending on location

The new corporate brand “Tenaris” (also created by Landor) has a logotype and a symbol. The logotype consists in a declination of Tenaris with the names of all the local plants.
The symbol is a horizontal multibar composed by bars of different dimensions and colours.
We thought that the pure application of the logo and symbol on existing facades wouldn’t have given people the full sense of the global revolution to which the group underwent.
We consequently proposed the clients to paint (or re-panel) the plant facades using the same colours of the multibar. We tried, making this, to preserve the individuality of the colours that is evident in the multibar, alternating colours per-façade in a very “rythmic” way.
In general the full logo and symbol is shown on white facades while some kind of colour-on-colour single logos or single symbols are shown on coloured facades.One for all, the example shown is Tenaris Dalmine in Bergamo (Italy)